FUSION22, produced by The Broadcast Research Council of South Africa (BRC), Publisher Research Council of South Africa (PRC) and Nielsen South Africa is the most comprehensive media study ever produced in Africa and is available freely to the media planning industry.
The process of five fused surveys, three of which are industry currencies, have resulted in the combined data of, effectively, 56 219 respondents. Originally all stand-alone surveys, FUSION22 contains the fused data from the BRC’s TAMS (Television Audience Measurement Survey, 11 000 respondents) and RAMS Amplify™ (Radio Audience Measurement Survey, 37 721 respondents), the PRC’s Read2022 (REader Audience Data, 14 730 respondents) and NielsenIQ CPS (Consumer Panel Services – Home Panel, 4 000 households) and Nielsen Media’s DCS (Digital Consumer Survey, 3000 respondents).
FUSION22 brings together, all in one place, the media platforms, TV, Print, Digital and Radio, and product and brand information including but not limited to, banking, cellular, automotive, retail and FMCG and consumers efficiently segmented by these popular tools. This brings to life over 500 media vehicles and 1800+ brands.
FUSION22 is the ideal media planning tool, especially during the first stages of profiling and understanding of a target market. The media currencies, TAMS and RAMS still need to be used at the granular station buying levels, as RAMS, with a sample of almost 38 000, is robust enough to allow for regional and provincial analysis. All the checks done during the validation phase of the survey ensure that all stations and titles were within 2% of the currency donor studies, at the national level.
For more information contact peter@prc.za.com.
Interim Modelled Update
The new FUSION2021: Interim Modelled Update provides updated data modelled to the latest South African 2020 population data, provided by GTI.
PAMS 2019 Readership figures have been updated to more accurately reflect the effects of Covid, by modelling first quarter 2021 ABC circulation figures. Digital data has also been updated through the modelling of first quarter 2021 Narratiive data.
The new FUSION2021: Interim Modelled Update data set provides a more realistic view of print and digital readership during the COVID lockdown.
During this concise webinar, PRC CEO Josephine Buys and Research Consultant Peter Langschmidt provide details of how the modelling was done and how you can use the update for better media placement decision making.
Please contact us at info@prc.za.com if you would like to arrange a dedicated workshop for your team.
FUSION2020 explained
FUSION2020 was launched in November 2020 and we will be running workshops on FUSION in the future, so there are plenty of opportunities to get a deeper understanding of this valuable resource.
Please contact us at info@prc.za.com if you would like to arrange a dedicated workshop for your team.
Watch this explanation of FUSION by Jonathon Wells, Senior Vice President – Data Science at Nielsen Media International.
Fusion is the future of media research
Due to the proliferation of media and the challenge of traditional single-source research relying on the respondents’ fallible recall of events; fusing of data from medium-specific studies that use actual cookies in the case of digital measurement or people meters for television is a far better and more accurate solution. By fusing (combining) data from different studies at the respondent level we are able to obtain much richer and deeper audience insights.
FUSION allows us to capture longitudinal data (actual behavioural data, captured over a number days, week or months) vs. the single “snapshot” of a traditional questionnaire based on the respondents recall of say their past week shopping as was the case with AMPS. For example the Nielsen CPS panel of 4000 households is based on actual purchases, audited with till slips and bar codes over a 12 month period. This equates to over 210,000 actual shopping occasions vs 25,000 weeks in AMPS based on 1 respondent remembering what the entire HH has bought. CPS audited data is an exact mirror of actual market share.
The PRC was the first JIC in Africa to introduce Fusion in 2018, and now we have partnered with the BRC to bring the industry a new four-way multi FUSION with PAMS as the hub survey being fused with Television Audience Measurement Survey (TAMS), Consumer Panel Survey (CPS) and Digital Consumer Survey (DCS).
The new multi FUSION fused dataset that includes PAMS, TAMS, CPS and DCS, contains more data points than any other media research study ever published in South Africa. This fused data set contains 953 909 612 data points, almost 3 times the 355 694 352 data points in AMPS. With over 2,200 brands the multi FUSION gives media planners and advertisers, richer and deeper insights than ever before, and will become the de facto media planning tool in SA.
FUSION2020 is brought to you by PRC and BRC, leaders in relevant and insightful research to enable better media planning and increase your advertising ROI as a result.
FUSION2020 is now available across all partner software bureaux.